Friday, December 19, 2008


I love stones, crystals, minerals, etc. Each one has different properties and qualities. Crystals are extremely fascinating to me. I love to figure out how many sides each one has. I used to collect geodes with amethyst inside. I even had a garnet crystal at one time. I still have an uncut blue topaz shard that I have had for a very long time. Probably about 25 years now. The other stone I am most fond of is one my father got for me. It's an Apache Tear. I've had that one for about 30 years. I've collected my own over the years and made them mine, but the first is special.

I make necklaces and bracelets with different stones. I usually end up giving them as gifts. I am pretty good at matching people with stones.
Everything has a vibration. We have a vibration, the stones have their own vibration, the food we eat has a vibration. Our vibrations mingle with the vibrations of other things and they either help or hinder. A negative reaction is just a vibration that interferes with our vibration. If we can adjust our frequency to that of the objects, then we are in harmony with it.
Different stones can adjust to our vibrations to help heal, they absorb energy, and can help deflect negative energy from powerlines, computers, digital clocks near beds and people. They can also be used to make an environment rich in negative ions.

My favourite stones to use are amethyst, hemetite, lapis and malachite. When I can get a supply, amber. I love the various colours that it comes in and they have a deep rich resonance.

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