Monday, December 15, 2008


I picked up writing again. I figured it was about time. My main goal is to write small articles to sell. But I also had a story idea a couple of years ago that I wrote down buy never got to finish.
Writing is a great way to creatively get rid of frustrations, anger, sadness, etc. I loved writing stories since I was old enough to hold a pencil. It was my way of relating to a world I didn't quite fit into. A way of releasing frustration of being a child that was not quite understood. I loved it. It was the same way with books. It was a way of escape for me. I had friends in books.
Sad isn't it?
Then I had an English teacher in high school that loved my writings. He actually took the time to read them and made comments on what I wrote. Someone who saw a lonely person with talent. He encouraged me immensely.
Every spare moment I had I would write. I still have most of them too. Stories that I started then gave up. My problem is is if I see the ending of the story, I get bored with it. I know the ending, why finish it? I have to break out to that habit.
The one that I am writing now...I have no clue of the ending. Actually I don't know what direction I want to go with it. I'm still in the early stages. But I will not figure out the ending til I am there. Maybe I will be able to finish it this time.

1 comment:

Xen Xen said...

So...let's hear one or two...or just excerpts =)