Tuesday, November 6, 2012

LOL Chemistry

Ha ha!  I know most have heard this one...

So two chemistry students walk into a restaurant.  The waitress approaches their table and asks them what would they like to drink.  One says, "I would like some H2O." They all chuckle and the next one says, "I would like some H2O too."  The waitress brings out the drinks and the second student takes a swig and drops down dead. 

Ok.  So I am taking chemistry courses through MIT.  Time to rattle whats upstairs.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Its been awhile...

It is not conducive to creativity to be without internet.  Being without it for 2 years has been an ordeal to say the least. 
To catch up on things...
The boys and I are back in Colorado and have been for 2 years.
I am still spinning wool and other fibers I can get my hands on.
I am now employed as a Federal agent.  Not glorious by any means, but its a foot in the door.  I'd still rather be home full time, but some things are not meant to be.

I am still very much missing my mother.  Friday was the four year mark.  It doesn't really seem to be any easier with the passing of time.  There is still a hole in my heart and a tear in my eye always it seems.

Well, this post is short.  I have to get up early for work so its goodnight world.  I will be more eloquent another time.

Oyasami nasai!