Sunday, February 22, 2009

Passing of a legacy

I often wonder what people will remember of me when I am gone. My mother was well remembered and at her memorial, people were able to comment of what they remembered of her. Most of it was that she was a hard worker, a good friend, humble...
She tried.
Another person I looked up to just passed away. His students remember him for being generous, full of knowledge and willing to help.
My mother passed on to me ideals that most mothers leave their children. She left me my heritage of being Japanese. To be proud of what I am. I remember growing up and being made fun of for being Japanese and having dark skin.
My mentor passed on a love of herbs and to be generous with my knowledge. What good is the knowledge of being able to help someone if it is not shared freely?
I want my children and friends to be able to have fond memories of me also. I want to impart my knowledge onto them if they so choose to accept.
I wonder if they will not only think good things of me...or bad...but also the things that I have shared with them?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog on "what do we leave behind" after we die. Ultimately, if you have children, they live a legacy of you more or less (given that they are individuals and not cookie cutters of the parents) :-). More importantly, I feel it is the memories of those who knew you, knew of your generosity, your kindess, your smile that will be remembered most. I have lost some very dear friends of late and they are always a warm glow in my heart and come easily to my memory so many times. Lovely words and wonderings. Warmly, Lindsay McKenna, ENEMY MINE