Saturday, November 1, 2008


I had a vision on how this blog was supposed to be. I put in the description Life's Journey and the Road Less Travelled. My friends know that I don't take the easy way nor am I a follower. I don't believe in destiny. Destiny is the end of the road you choose to take. I don't believe in fate. Fate is the twists and turns in life that you also choose. The outcome is all based on what we want in life and how we perceive things. Are you a "glass half full" type person or the "glass half empty" type person. Something wonderful could be sitting right in front, arms reach, but because of our perception we will either see it as wonderful, something bad, or miss it all together.
I'm guilty of this. Let something wonderful slip through my hands more than once. But I recognize it now. Change my perception and see things differently. It took me awhile to do this. It doesn't happen overnight and it involves something most people don't want to do. Letting go of the past and negative thoughts and emotions.
As an empath, I am all about feelings and emotions. I attatch certain events with emotions and they stay buried deep inside. Letting go of those can be quite an experience. I like that I am free to explore without the baggage I used to carry around.
Everyone has something in their past that they will always carry around, but will it be a negative experience or a positive one?
I like to think of myself as a positive person...of course I do have my issues. Yes...issues...They are fun aren't they. Ever meet a dark and morbid person who had a positive outlook? changes all the time. Life changes all the time.

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